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Understanding Feelings Pack

PrimaryICT No: PR9021
Code: CD72402
Stock: 1 In Stock - Delivery 2-4 days + more available
£29.34 ex VAT
£35.21 inc VAT
The Understanding Feelings set has been designed to help children to learn about a range of feelings and to enable them to communicate more effectively with others.

Product Information

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The Understanding Feelings set has been designed to help children to learn about a range of feelings and to enable them to communicate more effectively with others.

Using the components of the set children will be able to discuss, observe and better understand how they and others feel.

  • Included in the set are 13 acetate faces all with different feeling expressions. These can be handled by the children - placed on a table, window or light panel.
  • An A3 poster of these expressions includes a key to what they show.
  • Also included are 3 blank white face-shaped boards for use with dry wipe markers, 3 blank acetate faces and 3 face-shaped mirrors to observe self expression.
  • The set comes complete with a teacher’s guide with suggested activities and questions to pose. 

Supports the following areas of learning:

  • Understanding the World - observation
  • Personal Development - self-awareness
  • Personal Development - PSHE
  • Communication & Language - talking & listening
  • Personal Development - collaborative play

2016 PPS Silver Award Winner(Teacher Resources, Equipment & Tools category)

What the PPS Award testers said:

"We used the pack when discussing the transition to school and how new things were making the children feel. They took it in turns to say what makes them happy and used the blank ones to draw faces of themselves and how they look when happy or sad. The pack is easy to use and has good instructions."

Size of faces approximately: 210 x 185mm

Set includes:

  • 13x expression faces
  • 3x mirror faces
  • 3x white dry-wipe faces
  • 3x clear acetate faces
  • Teachers' guide
  • A3 poster

Recommended for Ages: 3 - 10 years

Contact Us: Primary ICT Ltd, 13d Miners Way, Lakesview Business Park, Canterbury, Kent CT3 4LQ.
Web: / Tel: 01227 769400 / Fax: 01227 250450 / e-mail:

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